I thought we had a connection, I thought we had a good thing
I thought I knew direction that we we're heading in
And I know it is not healthy to sit and fantasize
But I thought we were complete at least on the outside
I know promises fade away
Have you forgotten yesterday?
I love you anyway you know
I thought we clicked like two parts of a puzzle, now I'm all in a muddle
Click like the flick of a switch and now the pieces don't seem to fit
Click like a second in time like you were reading my mind
Think how we were from the start
And now our halves are falling, falling apart
I thought you were my religion, you had faith in me
yesterday - tegnap
halves - félidőt
friends - barátok
fantasize - fantáziál
second - második
falling - eső
becomes - válik
connection - kapcsolat
least - legkevésbé
faith - hit
forgotten - elfelejtett
start - rajt
direction - irány
could - tudott
heading - cím
click - kettyenés
clicked - kattintott
different - különböző
conscience - lelkiismeret
anyway - akárhogyan is
rejection - elutasítás
apart - eltekintve
flick - fricska
everything - minden
condition - feltétel
perfection - tökéletesség
healthy - egészséges
muddle - zűrzavar
complete - teljes
outside - kívül
thing - dolog
promises - ígér
reading - olvasás
puzzle - kirakós játék
reflection - visszaverődés
religion - vallás
pieces - darabok
staying - tartózkodás
fades - elhalványul
switch - kapcsoló
things - dolgok
think - gondol
parts - alkatrészek
thought - gondolat
years - évek
treat - csemege
worshiped - imádott
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