Joe Bob was rough as a cob
And prone to blow his stack
Kenny Dean was in a suicide scene
Sneaking behind Joe's back
Sneaking around with Joe's girl, June
She liked the boys in the band
And when they all got together on Saturday night
It was easy to understand why
They called it Saturday night at the paradise knife and gun club
And there's drinking and dancing to the music of Bobby Lee and the Blackjacks
It was Saturday night at the paradise knife and gun club
If you was looking for some trouble you could find it I guarantee
Now the only other place was a man named Jack
And he wouldn't take talking back
He was married to a woman named May
She took up the slack
Well he knocked you out and she'd drag you out
And leave you in the parking lot
And when you wake up in the morning with a busted head
You're just happy that was all you got
On Saturday night at the paradise knife and gun club
williams - williams
whole - egész
whiter - fehérebb
until - amíg
together - együtt
suicide - öngyilkosság
started - indult
start - rajt
stack - kazal
trouble - baj
spark - szikra
somebody - valaki
sneaking - alattomos
shook - rázta
sheriff - seriff
shade - árnyék
happy - boldog
slack - laza
happened - történt
music - zene
fighting - harcoló
dancing - tánc
talking - beszél
other - más
could - tudott
understand - megért
busted - lebuktak
married - házas
named - nevezett
around - körül
building - épület
drinking - ivás
grinned - vigyorgott
cried - kiáltott
saturday - szombat
turned - fordult
parking - parkolás
called - hívott
leave - szabadság
bobby - londoni rendőr
woman - nő
caught - elkapott
knocked - bekopogott
stopped - megállt
liked - tetszett
looking - keres
found - talál
hauled - vontatott
heart - szív
judge - bíró
kenny - Kenny
behind - mögött
everybody - mindenki
knife - kés
prone - elterült
honor - becsület
middle - középső
morning - reggel
guarantee - garancia
night - éjszaka
paradise - paradicsom
blood - vér
another - egy másik
chewed - rágott
place - hely
rough - durva
scene - színhely
seems - Úgy tűnik,
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