Wait 'til you're announced

We've not yet lost all our graces

The hounds will stay in chains

Look upon Your Greatness and she'll send the call out

Send, the call out (etc.)

Call all the ladies out, they're in their finery

A hundred jewels on throats

A hundred jewels between teeth

Now bring my boys in, their skin in craters like the moon

The moon we love like a brother, while he glows through the room

Dancin' around the lies we tell

Dancin' around big eyes as well, oh...

Even the comatose, they don't dance and tell

We live in cities you'll never see on screen

Not very pretty but we sure know how to run things

Livin' in ruins of the palace within my dreams

hounds - kutyákat
glows - parazsékot
finery - cicoma
pretty - szép
receive - kap
hands - kezek
shards - szilánkok
competing - versengő
graces - kegyelmeket
without - nélkül
wants - akar
throats - torkukat
their - azok
while - míg
comatose - kábult
announced - bejelentett
cities - városok
beneath - alatt
chains - láncok
around - körül
jewels - ékszerek
between - között
palace - palota
kinda - kicsit
craters - kráterek
fault - hiba
brother - fiú testvér
dance - tánc
cause - ok
teeth - fogak
broke - törött
greatness - nagyság
never - soha
hundred - száz
older - idősebb
release - kiadás
revelled - élvezte
ruins - romok
screen - képernyő
there - ott
things - dolgok
dreams - álmok
bring - hoz
through - keresztül
ladies - hölgyek
throw - dobás
within - belül

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