This is an SCG3 special report with Sam Romero.
Sam Romero:
Good evening, Im Sam Romero. We continue our special report now on the so called monster invasion. As of 11 AM today the president has declared the nation to be under martial law. Reports coming in now indicate that mass hysteria continues to spread throughout the globe. It is not yet confirmed by officials what is causing these horrific events. But it is suggested by certain sources that these creatures that are now being spotted throughout the world are neither human nor are they wild animals. It is strongly advised that people should stay indoors and if you encounter one of these beings do not try to make contact with them they will attack without warning. Our very own William Tracy in the sky is now reporting. Will?
William Tracey:
Sam, were here hovering over down town where the monsters are literally swarming the city. The freeways are clogged, there is absolutely no way out of down town. These creatures theyre incredibly strong, a few minutes ago we saw one actually pick up an SUV, and throw it at a clump of people. And then Eh Zoom in on that, yeah, are we getting that? Its actually looking at us! Its its climbing! Its, no, pull up! PULL UP! PULL
world - világ
without - nélkül
where - ahol
warning - figyelem
understandable - érthető
under - alatt
transmission - átvitel
trace - nyom
thunderous - viharos
though - bár
these - ezek
swallowing - nyelés
suffering - szenvedő
strongly - erősen
strong - erős
still - még mindig
standing - álló
spotted - foltos
special - különleges
sounds - hangok
somethings - asok
someone - valaki
satellite - műhold
reports - jelentések
reporting - jelentés
spread - terjedését
reckoning - leszámolás
quake - remeg
swarms - raj
causing - okozó
drove - hajtott, vezetett
there - ott
creatures - lények
thing - dolog
encounter - találkozás
continues - folytatódik
citizens - polgárok
chances - esélyeit
technical - műszaki
officials - tisztviselők
today - ma
circle - kör
choose - választ
throughout - egész
despair - kétségbeesés
false - hamis
declared - bevallott
being - lény
blood - vér
plague - pestis
tracy - tracy
grind - darál
broadcast - adás
bullshit - hülyeség
those - azok
animals - állatok
adjust - beállítani
clogged - eltömődött
about - ról ről
swarming - rajzás
continue - folytatni
absolutely - teljesen
earth - Föld
dominion - uralom
advised - tanácsos
william - vilmos
infiltrating - beszűrődő
blown - kifulladt
disciplinary - fegyelmi
blind - vak
homes - otthonok
clump - halom
their - azok
follow - kövesse
drown - megfullad
people - emberek
sources - forrás
fuming - füstölgő
throw - dobás
decomposing - bomló
romero - romero
attack - támadás
humans - emberek
streets - utcák
certain - bizonyos
block - blokk
action - akció
behold - íme
beings - lények
happening - esemény
climbing - mászó
contact - kapcsolatba lépni
control - ellenőrzés
bones - csontok
fools - bolondok
little - kicsit
called - hívott
walking - gyalogló
evening - este
smell - szag
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