Sylvia was working as a waitress in Beaumont
She said "I'm moving away, I'm gonna get what I want
I'm tired of these small town boys, they don't move fast enough
I'm gonna find me one who wears a leather jacket and likes his living rough"
So she saved her tips and overtime and bought an old rusty car
She sold most everything she had to make a brand new start
She said, "I won't be needing these silly dresses and nylon hose
Cuz when I get to where I'm going, I'm gonna buy me all new clothes"
The night's too long; it just drags on and on
And then there's never enough that's when the sun starts coming up
Don't let go of her hand; you just might be the right man
She loves the night; she loves the night
She doesn't want the night, don't want it to end
working - dolgozó
where - ahol
wears - visel
waitress - pincérnő
things - dolgok
wants - akar
against - ellen
rough - durva
gonna - fog
going - haladó
these - ezek
guesses - találgatások
faster - gyorsabb
sylvia - sylvia
listen - hallgat
living - élő
jacket - dzseki
drags - elhúzódik
sweat - izzad
bought - vásárolt
beaumont - beaumont
likes - kedvel
night - éjszaka
holding - holding
leather - bőr
enough - elég
laugh - nevetés
clothes - ruhák
corona - korona
dance - tánc
crowd - tömeg
loves - szeret
might - esetleg
still - még mindig
works - művek
moving - mozgó
brand - márka
nylon - nejlon
never - soha
office - hivatal
playing - játszik
presses - prések
saved - mentett
right - jobb
everything - minden
coming - eljövetel
rusty - rozsdás
dresses - ruhák
silly - bolondos
tired - fáradt
small - kicsi
overtime - túlóra
soaked - ázott
start - rajt
needing - igénylő
starts - kezdődik
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