Oh she's running away again & where’s she going this time?
Oh is the place that she lives not safe or to where the monster resides
Her shoes are broken from running
Her feet are blistered & tired
But the pain is nothing compared to the agony she's feeling inside
I always wanted to break you but you’re a piece of my heart
I wanna return the pain but I never outlived a doubt
I always wanted to break you but you’re a piece of my heart
I wanna return the pain but I never outlived a doubt
You’re standing there in the corner
That tired look in your eyes
You’re like a lamb to the slaughter & now you're running out of places to hide
words - szavak
where - ahol
tired - fáradt
standing - álló
shoes - cipő
scars - hegek
running - futás
return - visszatérés
these - ezek
never - soha
slaughter - levágás
outlived - túlélte
monster - szörnyeteg
write - ír
places - helyek
million - millió
cannot - nem tud
there - ott
biting - csípős
resides - risiede
blocking - blokkoló
place - hely
bleed - vérzik
again - újra
wanna - akarok
broken - törött
agony - gyötrelem
wanted - kívánatos
tongue - nyelv
piece - darab
nothing - semmi
break - szünet
feeling - érzés
follow - kövesse
going - haladó
always - mindig
doubt - kétség
compared - ahhoz képest
heart - szív
corner - sarok
cover - borító
hands - kezek
inside - belül
blistered - felhólyagosodott
lives - életét
lungs - tüdő
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