Tainted memories are all I have to live with now you’re gone
And I won’t sleep tonight
No I won’t dream at all about days I’ve spent alone
And the words cut like a knife back when you said those words to me
I spent many days rebuilding broken bones
And our ghosts live in the hallway where they play inside my mind
And they lead me down the roads we used to go, woah
So don't hold me darling
I see the time go round when it’s all been said & done
I don’t think you're lying alone
And my head keeps spinning at the thought of the past with these memories built on stone
I don’t think you're lying alone
So run home, hide yourself beneath the sheets & lay alone
words - szavak
whole - egész
walls - falak
waiting - várakozás
tonight - ma este
where - ahol
thought - gondolat
those - azok
tainted - szennyezett
turns - menetek
stone - kő
spent - költött
sleep - alvás
sheets - ágynemű
saving - megtakarítás
round - kerek
roads - utak
needed - szükséges
yourself - saját magad
dream - álom
broken - törött
break - szünet
bones - csontok
along - mentén
about - ról ről
knife - kés
these - ezek
darling - drágám
ghosts - szellemek
think - gondol
alone - egyedül
ground - talaj
spinning - fonás
hallway - bejárat
inside - belül
waking - ébredés
keeps - tartja
memories - memóriák
rebuilding - újjáépítés
built - épült
longer - hosszabb
beneath - alatt
lying - fekvő
quiver - reszket
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