A room on the top floor

And the chest all but knackered

Two fingers not working

And the back’s shot to hell

It’s a lifetime of digging trenches

In the cold and wet weather

And for laying half the roadway

In England as well

You’d finish in the one place

It was straight to the next one

And you never could settle

And you were always alone

Just a drifter in limbo

I was best off away, son

Just one of the thousands

wouldn - tenne
worst - legrosszabb
women - nők
alone - egyedül
hated - gyűlölt
lodgings - albérlet
heath - pusztaság
finish - befejez
weather - időjárás
fingers - ujjak
horseback - lóháton
mighty - hatalmas
fairground - birlikte insanlar
accordion - harmonika
laying - lefektetés
drifter - halászcsónak
taproom - söntés
boxing - dobozolás
dance - tánc
chair - szék
round - kerek
charm - báj
knackered - knackered
digging - ásás
chest - mellkas
always - mindig
working - dolgozó
england - anglia
could - tudott
leaving - kilépő
lifetime - élettartam
remember - emlékezik
limbo - börtön
teeth - fogak
never - soha
floor - padló
november - november
straight - egyenes
place - hely
roadway - úttest
settle - rendezni
misty - ködös
singing - éneklés
stand - állvány
thousands - több ezer
closed - zárva
trenches - árkok
their - azok
train - vonat
until - amíg

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