Last night in my dreams
I saw you with another
And when I turned around, you were gone
It all came back to me
Through a postman and this letter
That bought the words, I fell in love with another
How does it feel, when you wake up in the morning
Do you ever think of me lying here
Cause when I go to sleep
you become my pillow,
and I hold you tight, and whisper into your ear
finding - lelet
letter - levél
morning - reggel
heard - hallott
words - szavak
fading - elhalványulás
sleep - alvás
inside - belül
turned - fordult
repeat - ismétlés
smile - mosoly
would - lenne
exactly - pontosan
horizon - horizont
please - kérem
everything - minden
chorus - énekkar
around - körül
another - egy másik
bought - vásárolt
could - tudott
become - válik
cause - ok
light - fény
think - gondol
center - központ
lying - fekvő
heart - szív
moment - pillanat
never - soha
speck - folt
pillow - párna
always - mindig
postman - postás
night - éjszaka
present - ajándék
really - igazán
tight - szoros
reasons - okok
dreams - álmok
beyond - túl
through - keresztül
ventured - merészkedett
today - ma
explained - magyarázható
understand - megért
whisper - suttogás
wanted - kívánatos
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