She makes me sleep outside on the pavement,

Spends my money,

The lights are on but nobody's home,

Now aint that funny,

She likes to tell me when she's met some other A-Z,

She's my sun, yeah the one, and then some,

She says I talk for hours about nothing,

And then about nothing,

I bought a two-week break in the sun,

She says you aint coming,

And after all I count the seconds till she blinks again,

I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love,

Head in the clouds, she eats me whole,

A face in the crowd, my oversoul,

And I'm spinning out, I lose control,

And I don't care,

She says give up boy you're going nowhere,

worst - legrosszabb
looking - keres
after - után
lights - lámpák
housework - házimunka
whole - egész
funny - vicces
cooking - főzés
pavement - járda
seconds - másodperc
count - számol
money - pénz
bought - vásárolt
hours - órák
control - ellenőrzés
brand - márka
coffee - kávé
again - újra
blinks - villog
clouds - felhők
going - haladó
coming - eljövetel
break - szünet
bullets - golyók
television - televízió
someone - valaki
crowd - tömeg
pulling - vontatás
likes - kedvel
makes - gyártmányú
naked - meztelen
nothing - semmi
thing - dolog
nowhere - most itt
about - ról ről
other - más
spinning - fonás
outside - kívül
poison - méreg
think - gondol
watch - néz
speaks - beszél
sleep - alvás
spends - költ
there - ott
turns - menetek
until - amíg

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