Well mom found her a new place to live
and dad found him a new girlfriend
looks like everybody's moving on
and it's hey look on the bright side kid
now you ve got two Christmases
and it's every other weekend from now on
Yeah, but all i want
is the way it was
when love would always last forever
and families stayed together
back to the day before two houses
when you held my hands when i was little
before i got caught in the middle
somewhere in between two houses
cause these two houses
sure don't feel like home
Wide eyed wonder grows up fast
trust is shy and nothing lasts
wonder - csoda
turned - fordult
heart - szív
hands - kezek
middle - középső
found - talál
summer - nyár
finally - végül
talkin - Talkin
feels - érzi
forever - örökké
tonight - ma este
fault - hiba
every - minden
christmases -
heard - hallott
asking - kérve
always - mindig
little - kicsit
innocence - ártatlanság
other - más
about - ról ről
between - között
moving - mozgó
together - együtt
would - lenne
bright - fényes
known - ismert
nothing - semmi
families - családok
place - hely
before - előtt
cause - ok
close - bezárás
looks - úgy néz ki,
caught - elkapott
somewhere - valahol
houses - házak
grows - növekszik
knees - térd
lasts - tart
girlfriend - barátnő
leaves - levelek
maybe - talán
never - soha
weekend - hétvége
these - ezek
stayed - tartózkodott
thinking - gondolkodás
trust - bizalom
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