Never thought that it could be
This kind of life for you and me
If you think you love someone else
Then show me the man, maybe I'll understand
'Cos I've done all I can
So I can't understand
I remember what we had going
Over and over on moonlit nights
Lord I still feel the passion flowing
Making a fool of me
What about those expensive places
How you danced, leaving me all alone
wanna - akarok
understand - megért
thought - gondolat
those - azok
tears - könnyek
still - még mindig
taking - bevétel
remember - emlékezik
places - helyek
passion - szenvedély
someone - valaki
danced - táncolt
chorus - énekkar
guilt - bűnösség
never - soha
chance - véletlen
emotion - érzelem
about - ról ről
could - tudott
think - gondol
alone - egyedül
strange - furcsa
commotion - felbolydulás
moonlit - holdvilágos
expensive - drága
anything - bármi
faces - arcok
leaving - kilépő
flowing - folyó
going - haladó
behavior - viselkedés
liberty - szabadság
making - gyártás
maybe - talán
should - kellene
nights - éjszaka
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