Clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Like acid and oil on a madman's face
His reason tends to fly away
Like lesser birds on the four winds
Like silver scrapes in May
And now the sand's become a crust
Most of you have gone away
Come Susie dear, let's take a walk
Just out there upon the beach
I know you'll soon be married
And you'll want to know where winds come from
Well it's never said at all
On the map that Carrie reads
Behind the clock back there you know
At the Four Winds Bar
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Four winds at the Four Winds Bar
winds - szelek
windows - ablakok
where - ahol
warms - 變暖
twelve - tizenkét
these - ezek
there - ott
their - azok
tends - hajlamos
hiding - bujkál
fixed - rögzített
married - házas
encounter - találkozás
doors - ajtók
eternal - örök
reads - olvas
burst - robbanás
reason - ok
queenly - királynői
barred - rácsos
inference - következtetés
glare - ragyogás
gravely - komolyan
light - fény
crust - kéreg
clock - óra
would - lenne
crisis - válság
carrie - Carrie
become - válik
hellish - pokoli
hopelessly - reménytelenül
birds - madarak
lesser - kevesebb
mirrors - tükrök
locked - zárt
beach - strand
moondrops - holdcseppek
susie - susie
forget - elfelejt
sight - látás
duplicate - másolat
never - soha
consequent - következetes
nexus - kapcsolat
prove - bizonyít
origin - eredet
strikes - sztrájkok
surely - biztosan
other - más
astronomy - csillagászat
place - hely
themselves - maguk
scrapes - horzsolásokat
behind - mögött
silver - ezüst
nurse - nővér
storms - viharok
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