Well alright, you put your heart and your soul on the line
You pay the price, you can leave all your dues behind, yeah
You go spinning your wheels, till just one song makes it right
Live your life on the road, now they call you a star overnight
Overnight, overnight, oh no no
Gave it all, for it seemed like ages
Lived the life of a rolling stone
Seen the world from a thousand stages
There ain't no feelin', you've ever known
Like when a hometown boy comes home
This guy's a joker
And this is not the key to your found
And there's always somebody
Who thinks he makes a living
From putting you down
world - világ
wheels - kerekek
vision - látomás
through - keresztül
thousand - ezer
thinks - azt hiszi
rolling - gördülő
right - jobb
putting - elhelyezés
roots - gyökerek
price - ár
never - soha
decision - döntés
forgetting - felejtés
promise - ígéret
chance - véletlen
joker - dzsókerkártya
somebody - valaki
bound - köteles
heart - szív
hometown - szülőváros
there - ott
seemed - úgy tűnt
alright - rendben
behind - mögött
spinning - fonás
bring - hoz
found - talál
gotta - kell
comes - jön
always - mindig
makes - gyártmányú
stages - szakaszában
gonna - fog
known - ismert
highway - országút
stone - kő
overnight - éjszakai
aware - tudatában van
leave - szabadság
lived - élt
living - élő
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