Ramirez! Tie my shoelaces!
Well I'm a military man with a heart of lead
I got a floating M4 stickin' out of my head
Got a cacophonous captain always screaming at me
I got the Burgertown blues times Infinity
I was the brightest in my unit got the tightest of training
So why am I down on the range learning basic aiming?
Guess I must have got my screws knocked loose in a fight
Cause I don't even remember how to aim down sights
Now that the training is done we're on a chopper to war
Captain Noisy is yelling and telling us what we're here for
The mission is critical with volition political
I could question it but I ain't feeling too analytical
Cause a dude on a rooftop with an RPG
Just sent us spinning around 360 degrees
Like a pre-pubescent sniper on 10 sensitivity
I spin in circles with a bunch of dudes yelling at me
Cause I'm the shooter guy, shooter guy
Laws of physics and logic need not apply
I'm the shooter guy, shooter guy
As long as I got my wall I will never die
360 no-scope triple collateral guys OH MY GOD headshot bitch! I'm a sniper!
Now the world it is fading and my vision's degrading
Through slow motion I'm wading with the bad guys invading
Look around in a blur and see the bodies and blood
I get control of my legs again and I crawl through the mud
Snipers on ledges wearin bulletproof apparel
waste - hulladék
wading -
training - kiképzés
times - alkalommal
tightest - legszűkebb
through - keresztül
thrills - izgalom
teabag - teás zacskó
sucks - szar
stupid - hülye
stash - biztos helyre eltesz
standing - álló
sniper - orvlövész
sneaking - alattomos
slaughtered - levágott
shooting - lövés
shoelaces - cipőfűző
shape - alak
sensitivity - érzékenység
secret - titok
screaming - visító
scope - terület
running - futás
still - még mindig
route - útvonal
rooftop - tetőtéri
rocket - rakéta
right - jobb
remember - emlékezik
refill - utántöltés
recovered - gyógyult
screws - csavarok
rattle - csörgő
rapping - kopogó
question - kérdés
programmed - programozott
telling - sokatmondó
political - politikai
pocket - zseb-
physics - fizika
peeking - less
pants - nadrág
objective - célkitűzés
never - soha
necrotic - üszkös
critical - kritikai
shots - felvételek
brightest - legfényesebb
pubescent - serdülő
could - tudott
control - ellenőrzés
containers - konténerek
kills - öl
cliche - közhely
degrees - fok
these - ezek
enemy - ellenség
middle - középső
yelling - kiabálás
circles - körök
becoming - egyre
bunch - csokor
ledges - szegélyek
bullets - golyók
range - hatótávolság
captain - kapitány
cause - ok
learning - tanulás
lying - fekvő
thousand - ezer
bulletproof - golyóálló
conveniently - kényelmesen
chopper - favágó
straight - egyenes
blood - vér
shirt - ing
class - osztály
fully - teljesen
vacuum - vákuum
ghetto - gettó
blues - blues
seconds - másodperc
barrels - hordó
balls - golyó
spend - tölt
battle - csata
basic - alapvető
chest - mellkas
always - mindig
again - újra
spinning - fonás
idiots - idióták
locked - zárt
achieve - elér
alright - rendben
snipers - mesterlövészek
bitch - kurva
wearin - wearin
behind - mögött
block - blokk
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