Two kids from Tacoma
In a '72 Nova,
No pill and barely old enough to drink,
Learned the ropes and tested science,
Started pentecostal riots,
In just five minutes behind the rolling rink,
In the backseat brings
The American dream on a shoestring,
First you grow it, then you show it,
Give a good push just like a Brady,
Say you'll love them 'till your eighty,
Too soon to be a mother and father,
But too late for the alma mater,
Yeah it's always in the water
Babies makin' babies
Between diplomas and the diapers,
water - víz
turns - menetek
tried - megpróbálta
thing - dolog
thats - amit
tested - kipróbált
father - apa
american - amerikai
ropes - kötelek
diapers - pelenka
drink - ital
dream - álom
mater - mater
riots - zavargások
couch - kanapé
eighty - nyolcvan
christen - megkeresztel
backseat - hátsó ülés
equation - egyenlet
population - népesség
babies - babák
family - család
finders - megtalálók
could - tudott
always - mindig
enough - elég
become - válik
quarter - negyed
pentecostal - pünkösdi
small - kicsi
between - között
brady - Brady
brings - hoz
behind - mögött
forgiven - megbocsátott
maytag - MAYTAG
barely - alig
happened - történt
mother - anya
learned - tanult
first - első
maintains - fenntartja
shoestring - cipőfűző
makin - makin
microwave - mikrohullámú sütő
science - tudomány
minutes - percek
mistake - hiba
diplomas - diplomák
rolling - gördülő
started - indult
tacoma - tacoma
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