Highway 65 sure sounds kinda nice
I feel like drivin' somewhere far away
Got the top rolled down, radio up loud
Playin Willie and Old Hank
Well I don't really have a certain destination
I'll just fill the gas tank up and use my imagination
I wanna feel my freedom blowin' through my hair
Throw my troubles to the wind and scream out I don't care
I'm tired of bein' down and out cause that ain't what life should be about
I can feel the load gettin' lighter with every mile
while - míg
tired - fáradt
through - keresztül
wanna - akarok
sounds - hangok
somebody - valaki
sometimes - néha
smile - mosoly
scared - megrémült
throw - dobás
highway - országút
scream - sikoly
afraid - félnek
never - soha
willie - Willie
routine - rutin
about - ról ről
night - éjszaka
sleep - alvás
should - kellene
every - minden
destination - rendeltetési hely
change - változás
certain - bizonyos
kinda - kicsit
imagination - képzelet
brings - hoz
freedom - szabadság
tomorrow - holnap
listen - hallgat
somewhere - valahol
cause - ok
radio - rádió
lighter - öngyújtó
little - kicsit
troubles - bajok
rolled - tekercselt
playin - playin
really - igazán
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