If you were in the movies,
Who would you play?
If you were tried for murder
What could you say?
And if you were out to lunch
What would you eat?
We wanna know the answers
Who do you want to beat?
Don't show your fear,
Keep it out of site,
Don't loose your place in here
And you might be all right
Don't say nothing shut your mouth
Out of time work it out
You're leaving in a cruel world
And your face is out of style
Boogey man, magic word,
Walk a crooked mile.
If you were Armageddon
Who would you spare?
If you were judge and jury,
would - lenne
world - világ
wanna - akarok
tried - megpróbálta
tired - fáradt
judge - bíró
friends - barátok
guard - őr
tough - kemény
contest - verseny
double - kettős
child - gyermek
deserves - érdemel
movies - filmek
cards - kártyák
cruel - kegyetlen
might - esetleg
could - tudott
death - halál
bring - hoz
never - soha
bleed - vérzik
armageddon - Armageddon
answers - válaszokat
place - hely
another - egy másik
bluff - blöff
hungry - éhes
spotlight - reflektorfény
standing - álló
crooked - görbe
breathe - lélegzik
change - változás
leaving - kilépő
plead - hivatkozhat
smile - mosoly
start - rajt
throw - dobás
loose - laza
style - stílus
magic - varázslat
mouth - száj
lunch - ebéd
nothing - semmi
rehearsal - próba
right - jobb
running - futás
scared - megrémült
sleeve - ujj
soldier - katona
murder - gyilkosság
breath - lehelet
spare - tartalék
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