[Verse 1:]
My niggas got scarred grills, skully hats and gats be fullies
Brrat, cars peel, the east coast cartel
Rats get they tail snapped and trapped
It's snitches in the streets and it's snitches in rap
Pure euphoria, a dose of death to all of ya
Coroner choruses, some from the Bridge to Astoria
Dreams of fallin' in a elevator passin' floors
Suddenly stop, the doors open up to a brick wall
I can smell the haters, wishful thinkers, bad luck prayers
Picture ya tarot cards and bodyguards gettin' sprayed up
Sabotagin' my make-up, my watches get laced up
Even if they indited Jacob
Forensics, paramedics, carry cowards off
The frivolated shock to ya chest, try to cough
They die and hit Hell from a iron
I'm fly in YSL, I'm paid from this shit
Got bitches high as Hell and they fuckin' like AIDS don't exist
They get sent to ya hotel or made in this shit
Put a barrel in the capo mouth, 'til his scalp come out
You a kid, you don't live what you rap about
Came poetic, too many haters to count
Too much paper to count, QB bitch
[Chorus: x2]
Join me in war, many will live, many will mourn
Money over bullshit, pistols over brawlin'
wishful - sóvárgó
which - melyik
wallpaper - tapéta
today - ma
thinkers - gondolkodók
there - ott
target - cél
vegas - vegas
table - asztal
switzerland - suisse
survive - túlélni
suddenly - hirtelen
strength - erő
streets - utcák
still - még mindig
status - állapot
snapped - csattant
smell - szag
thought - gondolat
shock - sokk
seven - hét
scalp - skalp
flatline - egyenes vonal
eaters - evők
doors - ajtók
slang - szleng
candles - gyertyák
tarot - tarot
smarter - intelligensebb
crack - repedés
dismisses - felmenti
cowards - gyávák
cough - köhögés
cocksucker - faszszopó
bitch - kurva
afraid - félnek
black - fekete
about - ról ről
death - halál
coroner - halottkém
count - számol
watches - Órák
coast - tengerpart
diamonds - gyémánt
dreams - álmok
laced - csipkés
private - magán
choruses - kórusok
laugh - nevetés
alive - élő
euphoria - eufória
antique - antik
places - helyek
astoria - astoria
cartel - kartell
bridge - híd
morticians - temetkezési
climb - mászik
carry - visz
agreement - megegyezés
fortresses - várak
tongue - nyelv
exist - létezik
bullshit - hülyeség
pistols - pisztolyok
glance - pillantás
bitches - szukák
plotted - ábrázoljuk
blast - robbanás
bodyguards - testőrök
general - tábornok
forever - örökké
forget - elfelejt
chorus - énekkar
planes - síkok
brick - tégla
verse - vers
fifty - ötven
corner - sarok
snitches - snitches
claim - követelés
cards - kártyák
peeps - kukucskál
trapped - csapdába
caviar - kaviár
floors - emelet
forensics - kriminalisztika
party - party
leases - lízing
grade - fokozat
pretty - szép
grind - darál
haters - utálók
hotel - szálloda
jacob - jákób
chest - mellkas
landed - leszállt
madam - madám
lives - életét
carpet - szőnyeg
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