Black hoods, cops 'n projects

sewers flooded with foul blockage

The gutter's wild and every child watches

Changin top locks with ripped off hinges

doors kicked off, drunks stag off smirnoff, wipe your beard off

Crippled dope fiends in wheelchairs stare

vision blurry, cus buried deep in they mind are hidden stories

Bet he's a mirror image of that 70's era

finished for the rest of his life, till he fades out

The liquor store workers miss him but then it plays out

so many ways out the hood but no signs say out

Mental slavehouse where gats go off, I show off

niggas up north, prison-ology talk, till they time cut off

You should chill if you short, prepare deep thought

to hit the street again, get it on, get this paper and breathe again

Plan to leave somethin' behind

so your name'll live on, no matter what the game lives on


Lookin' out of my project window

Oh, I feel uninspired

Lookin' out of my project window

Oh, it makes me feel, so tired

Yo, if this piano's the cake then my words are the candles

Light it up, make a wish, and them angels will grant you

Impatient once tried, but in those angels and bamboo

they lit it up, *puff* *puff*, hit it up, *puff*

Now they dismantled, think the whole world is crazy, got a 9

watch where you walk, 2 dollar fine, sign of the times here in New York

world - világ
witnessed - tanúja
whole - egész
united - egyesült
uninspired - lélektelen
where - ahol
thought - gondolat
teaspoons - teáskanál
teach - tanít
street - utca
stories - történetek
starin - starin
stare - bámul
strings - húrok
speakers - hangszórók
sounded - hangzott
somebody - valaki
smooth - sima
windows - ablakok
signs - jelek
sewers - szennyvízcsatornák
scars - hegek
finished - befejezett
black - fekete
every - minden
controlled - ellenőrzött
those - azok
myself - magamat
prepare - készít
rules - szabályok
changin - Changin
quietly - csendesen
awake - ébren
watches - Órák
fades - elhalványul
downs - bánatot
doors - ajtók
dollar - dollár
drugs - gyógyszerek
ahead - előre
school - iskola
locks - zárak
goons - goons
girls - lányok
matter - ügy
taken - tett
comparison - összehasonlítás
bamboo - bambusz
guitar - gitár
angels - angyalok
evaluation - értékelés
music - zene
become - válik
wrote - írt
grant - biztosít
again - újra
medicine - gyógyszer
times - alkalommal
playgrounds - játszóterek
child - gyermek
beard - szakáll
satan - Sátán
basketball - kosárlabda
hidden - rejtett
window - ablak
brain - agy
blockage - akadály
wheelchairs - kerekesszékek
mental - szellemi
vision - látomás
seventies - hetvenes évek
another - egy másik
words - szavak
image - kép
knife - kés
crazy - őrült
smirnoff - smirnoff
razor - borotva
would - lenne
heavenly - mennyei
courts - bíróságok
blurry - homályos
light - fény
picture - kép
crippled - nyomorék
fiends - ördögök
flooded - elárasztott
fight - harc
brother - fiú testvér
shoes - cipő
ology - ology
homework - házi feladat
might - esetleg
breathe - lélegzik
behind - mögött
makes - gyártmányú
night - éjszaka
stack - kazal
buried - eltemetett
think - gondol

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