Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, Nas, uh, yo, yo
Life, they wonder, can they take me under?
Nah, never that, nah, yo, yo
I come from the housin tenement buildings
Unlimited killings, menaces marked for death
Better known as the projects where junkies and rock heads dwell
Though I owe to it my success
With survival of the fittest, everyday is a chal'
I would think I'm a part of U.S.A. and be proud
Confronted with racism, started to feel foreign
Like, the darker you are the realer your problems
I reached for the stars but I just kept slippin
On this life mission, never know what's next
Ancient kings from Egypt, up to Julius Caeser
Had a piece of the globe, every continent
Yo, there's Asia, Africa, Europe, France, Japan
Pakistan, America, Afghanstan
Yo, there's Protestants, Jews, Blacks, Arabics
Call a truce, world peace, stop actin like savages
No war, we should take time and think
The bombs and tanks makes mankind extinct
But since the beginning of time it's been men with arms fightin
Lost lives in the Towers and Pentagon, why then?
Must it go on, we must stop the killin
Tell me why we die, we all God's children
[Chorus - Amerie, Nas in background]
All this hate can't last forever (uh, c'mon)
It's time that we stand together (yeah, for the world)
Everybody wants to rule the world (what, what, what, what, what, c'mon)
World (peace), world (peace), world (peace), world
Yo, there's brothers on the block, posted up like they own it
That's they corner, from New York to California
Got blocks locked down
Like, "dog you safe whenever you with me, see this is my town"
yours - a tiéd
write - ír
would - lenne
wonder - csoda
women - nők
where - ahol
whenever - bármikor
whatever - tök mindegy
wants - akar
wanted - kívánatos
unlimited - korlátlan
unless - hacsak
under - alatt
truce - fegyverszünet
towers - tornyok
towel - törülköző
together - együtt
though - bár
tanks - tartályok
survival - túlélés
success - siker
style - stílus
struggle - küzdelem
stars - csillagok
stand - állvány
since - mivel
shoulders - vállak
should - kellene
without - nélkül
spiritual - lelki
service - szolgáltatás
scared - megrémült
rightfully - jogosan
residuals - maradékok
raised - emelt
racism - rasszizmus
projects - projektek
problems - problémák
reach - elér
prison - börtön
poppin - poppin
savages - vadak
police - rendőrség
passed - elmúlt
started - indult
pakistan - Pakisztán
opportunity - lehetőség
nothin - semmi
nobody - senki
natural - természetes
mission - misszió
menaces - fenyegetés
mankind - emberiség
manifest - nyilvánvaló
weapons - fegyverek
makes - gyártmányú
lyrical - lírai
talking - beszél
control - ellenőrzés
attempts - próbálkozás
slippin - kicsúszik
early - korai
killings - gyilkosságok
there - ott
comes - jön
powell - Powell
children - gyermekek
chain - lánc
california - Kalifornia
buildings - épületek
brothers - testvérek
sayin - mondom
bombs - bombák
lives - életét
blocks - blokkok
everybody - mindenki
blessings - áldások
death - halál
guess - találd ki
ancient - ősi
chorus - énekkar
right - jobb
chemical - kémiai
proud - büszke
challenge - kihívás
people - emberek
never - soha
colors - színek
could - tudott
fightin - harcolunk
tenement - bérlemény
against - ellen
world - világ
posted - hozzászóló
darker - sötétebb
reached - elért
locked - zárt
homeless - hajléktalan
already - már
confronted - szembesülnek
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