Standing still but still moving

Lying down but not resting

Breathing air, suffocating

All the while, I'm debating

Life was never what I thought

Never what I wanted it to be

Had a plan, couldn't follow

Had a dream, it was hollow

Everywhere felt like nowhere

Everything was so boring

Life was never what I wanted

Never what I thought

Until you came and turned it all around

Oh, you found the peace of me

It was missing; it was broken

You put soul into it

Oh, you found the whole of me

I was empty, now I'm better

All my peace is back together

Restless ways for a living

would - lenne
without - nélkül
whole - egész
wanted - kívánatos
turned - fordult
waste - hulladék
until - amíg
together - együtt
thought - gondolat
suffocating - fojtogató
ground - talaj
something - valami
follow - kövesse
moving - mozgó
fitting - szerelvény
still - még mindig
feels - érzi
while - míg
everywhere - mindenhol
nowhere - most itt
owned - tulajdonú
everything - minden
dream - álom
blind - vak
showed - kimutatta,
picked - válogatott
driven - hajtott
breathing - lélegző
hollow - üreges
everytime - mindig
always - mindig
scattered - elszórt
better - jobb
found - talál
saying - mondás
around - körül
pieced - rakott
boring - unalmas
holding - holding
leave - szabadság
little - kicsit
debating - vitatjuk
resting - pihenő
lived - élt
living - élő
tried - megpróbálta
lying - fekvő
apart - eltekintve
meant - jelentett
missing - hiányzó
broken - törött
never - soha
light - fény
peace - béke
restless - nyughatatlan
empty - üres
shattered - összetört
standing - álló

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