Yo turn the mic up I haven't been in here in 5 years And keep the lights on we got company
Ok, I don't think they gon' really understand this one right here man Not at all not at all We got a special guest in the house tonight Who is that? But first
You see though I ain't the one that'll pay for your phone The way you lookin' ma I might just pay for your home Right through the ceremony give you the throne Put you somewhere out you know birds can't come
I don't wanna be your man boo I wanna be the one To get inside your brain and give you my last name I swear I can change I put that on er'rything You ain't happy while happy wit me boo Then gimme the blame
Different color ring for er'ryday of the week You can go on and set it up for me n pops to meet 'Cuz I'm a ask him for you hand and show that I'm a man I'm a tell him my plans because
Me and you was meant to be as one now Me and you we gon' have some fun now Me and you from sun up to sun down Me and you that's one thing I know for sure
worth - érdemes
women - nők
while - míg
where - ahol
think - gondol
things - dolgok
thing - dolog
there - ott
teach - tanít
still - még mindig
spent - költött
truth - igazság
special - különleges
somewhere - valahol
heard - hallott
happy - boldog
gimme - Gimme
wanna - akarok
first - első
swear - esküszik
meant - jelentett
really - igazán
understand - megért
esteem - becsülés
slate - pala
though - bár
company - vállalat
change - változás
guest - vendég
birds - madarak
because - mert
color - szín
betcha - Betcha
never - soha
again - újra
might - esetleg
different - különböző
earth - Föld
brain - agy
these - ezek
blame - feddés
gotta - kell
erase - törli
clean - tiszta
planes - síkok
house - ház
sinning - vétkezik
something - valami
inside - belül
dream - álom
linen - vászon
through - keresztül
heaven - menny
little - kicsit
throne - trón
mason - kőműves
tonight - ma este
search - keresés
maybe - talán
money - pénz
years - évek
plans - tervek
ceremony - szertartás
phone - telefon
prefer - jobban szeret
peach - őszibarack
represent - képvisel
lights - lámpák
right - jobb
share - ossza meg
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