What you've passed on to me
Will stay until the end of days
Time stops on the verge of decay
Forgotten cause, no need to remain
Maybe it's a sign how I will always miss you
Or maybe there are voices at play
Telling it's too late
voices - hangok
verge - határán
until - amíg
undone - visszavonható
maybe - talán
remain - marad
comes - jön
always - mindig
carve - farag
forever - örökké
among - között
anyway - akárhogyan is
another - egy másik
forgotten - elfelejtett
stops - megálló
listen - hallgat
passed - elmúlt
names - nevek
cause - ok
shadows - árnyékok
decay - hanyatlás
telling - sokatmondó
brighten - felderít
these - ezek
there - ott
together - együtt
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