Call me at 3 a.m., tellin' me that I could be the one, oh, yeah
Maybe I was in love from the outside, yes, I ain't what you want no more
If you got someone else inside of your life, yeah, that's good for you, I'm happy
You got someone that makes you smile more than I ever did, yeah, that's great
Listen, why they always tryna hurt me?
Why they always tryna burn me?
I swear to God, shoulda never even happened in the first place
Only time you hit me's on my birthday
Wish that I could tell you that I got a lot of love for you
Wish that I could tell you I got trust for you
Once you put some money in the bank you understand that the money ain't enough for you
Yeah, look what it's done to you
Everyone's your friend when the music start buzzin'
I'm closer to the people that were there when I was nothin'
Tryna talk about the past but you always changin' subject
I ain't good at shakin' hands but I'm good at holdin' grudges
Why you always frontin', huh? Always tryna play wit' me (woo)
Yeah, whatchu gotta say to me?
I am not a slave to the people writin' checks to me
This is destiny, they ain't never had respect for me, ah!
Call me at 3 a.m., tellin' me that I could be the one, oh, yeah
Maybe I was in love from the outside, yes, I ain't what you want no more
If you got someone else inside of your life, yeah, that's good for you, I'm happy
You got someone that makes you smile more than I ever did, yeah, that's great
works - művek
wanted - kívánatos
understand - megért
trust - bizalom
thoughts - gondolatok
thought - gondolat
third - harmadik
there - ott
start - rajt
sorry - sajnálom
slave - rabszolga
subject - tantárgy
grudges - haragszom
happened - történt
reminiscing - álmodozás
gotta - kell
fault - hiba
things - dolgok
people - emberek
enough - elég
destiny - sors
hands - kezek
could - tudott
close - bezárás
inside - belül
everything - minden
birthday - születésnap
first - első
career - karrier
swear - esküszik
scared - megrémült
really - igazán
around - körül
about - ról ről
lemme - lemme
always - mindig
makes - gyártmányú
closer - közelebb
maybe - talán
friend - barát
cared - gondozott
caught - elkapott
checks - ellenőrzések
happy - boldog
listen - hallgat
living - élő
loved - szeretett
tryna - tryna
money - pénz
music - zene
watching - nézni
never - soha
smile - mosoly
shady - árnyas
nightmare - lidércnyomás
nothing - semmi
record - rekord
nowhere - most itt
world - világ
weird - furcsa
outside - kívül
place - hely
great - nagy
prayer - ima
shoulda - Lehetne
probably - valószínűleg
someone - valaki
respect - tisztelet
right - jobb
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