I talk to God like, "What's next for me?"

I'm just fulfillin' my destiny (destiny)

Fulfillin' my destiny, yeah

I talk to God like, "What's next for me?"

I'm just fulfillin' my destiny (destiny)

I'm just fulfillin' my destiny, yeah!

I told y'all I'm a psycho

Ain't no tellin' what I might do, yeah

Doubt put his hands around my throat, so I cut 'em off

That's what you get for steppin' on my toes

At the top of the key, that's an iso

My career about to take off, flight mode

You don't like where we're headed, what you sittin' on my flight for, huh?

Yeah, they said, "Wait until your time comes"

Nope! Time's up

You put in the album, got you thinkin' it's your birthday, woo!

Yeah, I'm full of surprises

A lot of pressure on the records and you know I'm makin' diamonds

Tell me, how would you define this?

You witnessin' the finest

Yeah, you never know what you can do until you try it, ah!

I been workin' late nights like I'm Letterman

He ain't workin' anymore? Well forget it then

Somebody get the sedatives

Too late, yeah the lightbulb's off in my head again

Where is Edison for my adrenaline?

Rushin' through my veins like it's never did

What good is the body, man, if you ain't got the head with it?

Since a kid up I've been a pessimist

I like to focus on the negatives, oh Lord!

I talk to God like, "What's next for me?"

I'm just fulfillin' my destiny (all day!)

wonder - csoda
where - ahol
veins - erek
until - amíg
tryna - tryna
topics - témák
throat - torok
threat - fenyegetés
those - azok
surprises - meglepetés
still - még mindig
since - mivel
shirts - ingek
psycho - pszicho
pressure - nyomás
pessimist - pesszimista
outside - kívül
nothing - semmi
would - lenne
nobody - senki
watching - nézni
never - soha
problem - probléma
negatives - negatívok
meant - jelentett
proud - büszke
match - mérkőzés
records - feljegyzések
chills - hidegrázás
graphic - grafikus
showed - kimutatta,
hands - kezek
before - előtt
career - karrier
there - ott
shows - műsorok
question - kérdés
advantage - előny
average - átlagos
blade - penge
guarantee - garancia
somebody - valaki
adrenaline - adrenalin
death - halál
destiny - sors
kinda - kicsit
something - valami
laugh - nevetés
anymore - többé
matches - gyufa
again - újra
about - ról ről
through - keresztül
nights - éjszaka
baddest - leggonoszabb
diamonds - gyémánt
attic - tetőtér
going - haladó
album - album
passion - szenvedély
comes - jön
dummy - színlelt
comments - hozzászólások
collins - Collins
mansion - kastély
birthday - születésnap
everything - minden
homage - hódolat
another - egy másik
letterman - Letterman
doubt - kétség
edison - edison
around - körül
fathom - öl
madness - őrültség
finest - legjobb
flight - repülési
focus - fókusz
sedatives - nyugtatók
pretty - szép
genre - műfaj
status - állapot
paradise - paradicsom
forget - elfelejt
havoc - pusztítás
imagined - képzelt
think - gondol
glasses - szemüveg
tried - megpróbálta
happen - történik
product - termék
might - esetleg
define - meghatározzák
headed - fejes
honest - becsületes

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