Just in case my car goes off the highway
Or the plane I get on decides that its my last day
I want you to know when you're alone and you feel afraid
You're not the only person in the world that isn't okay
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
It's strange the way the mind can wander, but also stop the gossip
And chat with memories that you and me aren't really fond of
Maybe you're out to find lovе, maybe you lost who you was
Maybe you're just likе me and feel the need to stay in your rut
'Cause if you left it, you might feel like that you're no longer you
It's so impressive, the way the mind can play with the truth
It's interestin' that nobody can walk in your shoes
But still relate and feel the same, so in a way, guess we do
You ever think about what it would be like
If the clouds were gone and you could see light?
If the door was open, would you take flight
Or just close the curtains up and stay inside?
Take a walk with me, take a risk with me
I'm scared too and it gets so tempting
When you're so empty to disown everything
You hold dearly when you know clearly
You been so buried in your own fairytale
The soul's tearing, bunch of holes in me
I relate to, but in case you been
Thinkin' no one does, here's a great theory
Throw a Hail Mary, let ya mind fly
To the sun rise, could be so scary
Make you faith vary, feel the pain glaring
But the weight carried ain't in vein, hear me? (Hear me?)
Just in case my car goes off the highway
Or the plane I get on decides that its my last day
I want you to know when you're alone and you feel afraid
You're not the only person in the world that isn't okay
yours - a tiéd
world - világ
weight - súly
wander - vándorol
truth - igazság
trips - utazások
travel - utazás
feeling - érzés
worth - érdemes
alone - egyedül
would - lenne
infested - elárasztott
fairytale - tündérmese
feeding - táplálás
every - minden
pretend - színlel
empty - üres
answers - válaszokat
highs - magasságra
disown - megtagad
desperate - kétségbeesett
defective - hiányos
destined - szánt
battle - csata
clouds - felhők
everybody - mindenki
raise - emel
everything - minden
tempting - csábító
depends - attól függ
falls - zuhatag
faith - hit
dearly - drága
believe - hinni
cancer - rák
wrong - rossz
achievable - elérhető
plane - repülőgép
situation - helyzet
dated - keltezett
bunch - csokor
might - esetleg
about - ról ről
feelings - érzések
throw - dobás
listen - hallgat
convincing - meggyőző
improve - javul
nobody - senki
directions - irányok
afraid - félnek
clearly - tisztán
often - gyakran
alright - rendben
endured - elviselt
forgotten - elfelejtett
check - jelölje be
unthinkable - elképzelhetetlen
carried - végrehajtott
leave - szabadság
could - tudott
close - bezárás
buried - eltemetett
theory - elmélet
curtains - függöny
gossip - pletyka
great - nagy
strange - furcsa
highway - országút
flight - repülési
longer - hosszabb
holes - lyukak
guess - találd ki
impressive - hatásos
light - fény
inside - belül
failure - hiba
letting - bérbeadása
makes - gyártmányú
yourself - saját magad
hectic - hektikus
maybe - talán
millions - több millió
nothing - semmi
glaring - vakító
rainy - esős
become - válik
person - személy
question - kérdés
scary - ijedős
infected - fertőzött
there - ott
really - igazán
decides - úgy határoz,
scared - megrémült
cancel - megszünteti
tearing - kínzó
reason - ok
relate - viszonyul
suggestion - javaslat
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