The fires continued through the night
The kid with a bat face appeared at the window then disappeared into the headlights
I was halfway to the pacific coast
I had left you in your longing and your yearning like a ghost
There's little room for wonder now, and little room for wildness too
We crawl into our wounds
I'm nearly all the way to Malibu
I'm gonna buy me a house up in the hills
With a tear-shaped pool and a gun that kills
Cause they say there is a cougar that roams these parts
With a terrible engine of wrath for a heart
That she is white and rare and full of all kinds of harm
And stalks the perimeter all day long
But at night lays trembling in my arms
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my place in the sun
And I'm just waiting now, for peace to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And we hide in our wounds and I'm nearly all the way to Malibu
And I know my time will come one day soon
I'm waiting for peace to come
And I'm nearly all the way to Malibu
wounds - sebek
white - fehér
walked - sétált
waiting - várakozás
villages - falvak
villagers - falusiak
village - falu
these - ezek
their - azok
stalks - szárak
square - négyzet
spade - ásó
somewhere - valahol
somebody - valaki
sleeping - alvás
roams - bolyong
where - ahol
quick - gyors
place - hely
peace - béke
parts - alkatrészek
pacific - békés
night - éjszaka
never - soha
nearly - közel
mustard - mustár
malibu - Malibu
losing - vesztes
longing - vágyakozás
begins - elkezdődik
wrath - harag
crawl - csúszik
always - mindig
collected - összegyűjtött
cause - ok
cried - kiáltott
continued - folyamatos
collect - gyűjt
climbs - mászik
carry - visz
fires - tüzek
creatures - lények
drops - cseppek
child - gyermek
darling - drágám
terrible - szörnyű
kills - öl
animals - állatok
window - ablak
appeared - megjelent
kinds - féle
standing - álló
someone - valaki
sicker - betegebbek
forest - erdő
shaped - alakú
beaches - strandok
buried - eltemetett
greatest - legnagyobb
ghost - szellem
there - ott
bucket - vödör
wonder - csoda
better - jobb
getting - szerzés
trembling - remegő
mountain - hegy
buddha - Buddha
shore - part
because - mert
every - minden
hills - dombok
disappeared - eltűnt
house - ház
heart - szív
everyone - mindenki
hugged - megölelte
engine - motor
gonna - fog
wildness - vadság
perimeter - kerülete
heads - fejek
everybody - mindenki
shake - ráz
halfway - félúton
yearning - sóvárgás
cougar - puma
headlights - fényszórók
through - keresztül
coast - tengerpart
dreams - álmok
little - kicsit
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