I lay in the forest amongst the butterflies and the fireflies and the burning horses and the flaming trees, as a spiral of children climb up to the sun, waving goodbye to you and goodbye to me as the past pulls away and the future begins, I say goodbye to all that as the future rolls in, like a wave, like a wave, and the past with its savage undertow, lets go.
Come on everyone, come on everyone
A spiral of children climbs up to the sun
To the sun, to the sun, and on each golden rung
A spiral of children climbs up to the sun
And a man called Jesus, he promised he would leave us with a word that would light up the night, oh the night, but the stars hang from threads and blink off one by one and it isn’t any fun no it isn’t any fun to be standing here alone with nowhere to be with a man mad with grief and on each side a thief and everybody hanging from a tree, from a tree, and everybody hanging from a tree.
Come on everyone, come on everyone
within - belül
waving - hullámzás
undertow - hullámtörés
threads - menetek
thief - tolvaj
there - ott
fields - mezők
pulls - húz
everybody - mindenki
butterflies - lepkék
horses - lovak
screaming - visító
climbs - mászik
called - hívott
valuable - értékes
beauty - szépség
children - gyermekek
amongst - között
forest - erdő
standing - álló
future - jövő
leaves - levelek
black - fekete
flaming - lángoló
grief - bánat
beautiful - szép
goodbye - viszontlátásra
alone - egyedül
begins - elkezdődik
light - fény
savage - vad
rolls - tekercs
climb - mászik
would - lenne
bright - fényes
everyone - mindenki
green - zöld
nothing - semmi
jesus - Jézus
fireflies - szentjánosbogarak
burning - égő
golden - aranysárga
leave - szabadság
night - éjszaka
nowhere - most itt
beside - mellett
promised - igért
hanging - függő
smoke - füst
trees - fák
spiral - spirál
blink - pislogás
stars - csillagok
sunshine - napfény
taking - bevétel
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