Seems like our love is on the road to nowhere fast
All my life I thought a love like this would last
But every road can hide a corner we can't see
I had a vision that I woke up by your side
I felt your breathing and our souls were intertwined
But who controls love's destiny
Not me
We had it all right in our hands
We had the room to fly and still the place to land
And so I'm calling out, I'm calling out
You're the only one
Who can save us from what we've done
That don't leave me hanging on
I'm reaching out and praying you'd come back again
It's just darkness I'm living in
And you're the only place my heart has ever been
wherever - bárhol
vision - látomás
there - ott
seems - Úgy tűnik,
souls - lelkek
reason - ok
reaching - elérve
right - jobb
rainbow - szivárvány
praying - imádkozás
place - hely
perfection - tökéletesség
nowhere - most itt
naive - naiv
thought - gondolat
loving - szerető
living - élő
desperate - kétségbeesett
coldest - leghidegebb
child - gyermek
without - nélkül
still - még mindig
again - újra
would - lenne
calling - hívás
intertwined - összefonódó
greater - nagyobb
breathing - lélegző
become - válik
controls - ellenőrzések
hands - kezek
longing - vágyakozás
believe - hinni
darkness - sötétség
destiny - sors
because - mert
leave - szabadság
doorway - kapualj
every - minden
maybe - talán
grown - felnőtt
corner - sarok
heart - szív
hanging - függő
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