He just falls straight into the afterlife
They took my hood to make me see him pay for
What they call 'crimes', all made up, filthy lies
Sligmatised now and forevermore
…And forevermore
They push me up the steps to the trap door
A shadow lurks on the water tower
They've got three, but miss that we are four
water - víz
yards - yard
through - keresztül
three - három
thick - vastag
falls - zuhatag
lever - fogantyú
falling - eső
bullet - golyó
forevermore - mindörökké
tower - torony
chance - véletlen
filthy - mocskos
hurls - dobálja
bring - hoz
breath - lehelet
hangman - hóhér
afterlife - túlvilág
light - fény
lurks - leselkedik
shadow - árnyék
throws - dob
night - éjszaka
final - végső
praying - imádkozás
shimmering - csillámló
steps - lépések
before - előtt
straight - egyenes
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