hi hello wake from thy sleep
God has given your soul to keep
all of the power that burns in the flame
ignites the light in a single name
Frederick name of care
fast asleep in a room somewhere
guardian angels [line a bed]
shed their light on my sleepy head
I am a threshold yearning to sing
down with the the dancers having one last fling
here's to the moment when you said hello
come on my spirit are you ready let's go
hi hi hey hey
maybe I will come back some day now
but tonight on the wings of a dove
up above to the land of love
yearning - sóvárgás
waited - várt
tonight - ma este
frederick - Frederick
spirit - szellem
dreams - álmok
death - halál
hearts - szívek
journey - utazás
angels - angyalok
guardian - gyám
after - után
asleep - alva
dancers - táncosok
clarinet - klarinét
fling - hajít
channel - csatorna
wings - szárnyak
sleepy - álmos
clear - egyértelmű
above - felett
dedicated - dedikált
wonder - csoda
entwined - összefonódott
threshold - küszöb
expressed - kifejezett
breath - lehelet
flame - láng
astonished - döbbent
burns - égések
things - dolgok
given - adott
maybe - talán
having - amelynek
moment - pillanat
night - éjszaka
ready - kész
power - erő
ignites - meggyullad
smith - kovács
light - fény
rapture - elragadtatás
sails - vitorlák
sleep - alvás
hello - helló
somewhere - valahol
their - azok
single - egyetlen
sonic - szonikus
surrenders - riscatti
teacher - tanár
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