The kiss of Venus has got me on the go

She’s scored a bullseye in the early morning glow

Early morning glow

Packed with illusions, my world is turned around

This golden circle has a most harmonic sound

Harmonic sound

And in the sunshine where we stand alone

We came together with our secrets blown

Our secrets blown

Now moving slowly, we circle through the square

Two passing planets in the sweet, sweet summer air

Sweet summer air

would - lenne
world - világ
venus - Vénusz
through - keresztül
summer - nyár
stand - állvány
where - ahol
square - négyzet
slowly - lassan
shake - ráz
early - korai
illusions - illúziók
break - szünet
morning - reggel
blown - kifulladt
together - együtt
moving - mozgó
sweet - édes
secrets - titkok
something - valami
begins - elkezdődik
alone - egyedül
sunshine - napfény
sound - hang
asleep - alva
scored - szerzett
circle - kör
around - körül
awake - ébren
bullseye - telitalálat
golden - aranysárga
mountains - hegyek
packed - csomagolt
passing - elhaladó
turned - fordult
harmonic - harmonikus
planets - bolygók
reflected - tükrözi

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