I was having this discussion
In a taxi heading downtown
Rearranging my position
On this friend of mine who had
A little bit of a breakdown
I said breakdowns come
And breakdowns go
So what are you going to do about it
That's what I'd like to know
You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could
It was in the early morning hours
When I fell into a phone call
walking - gyalogló
voice - hang
supernatural - természetfölötti
street - utca
slammed - bevágta
thought - gondolat
senorita - senorita
rearranging - átrendezése
problem - probléma
position - pozíció
early - korai
breakdown - bontás
discussion - vita
ourselves - minket
brick - tégla
downtown - belváros
together - együtt
about - ról ről
believing - hívő
astute - ravasz
powers - hatáskörök
breakdowns - bontás
phone - telefon
friend - barát
going - haladó
morning - reggel
heard - hallott
heading - cím
thing - dolog
institute - intézet
whole - egész
having - amelynek
hours - órák
could - tudott
fault - hiba
little - kicsit
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