No longer a danger to herself or others
She made up her mind and laced up her shoes
Yelled down the hall, but nobody answered
So she walked outside without an excuse
She can do anything she wants to
She can do whatever she wants to do
She can go home, but she's not going to
So she picks a direction, it's ninety in Memphis
Turns up the music so thoughts don't intrude
Predictably winds up thinking of Elvis
And wonders if he believed songs could come true
I'm asking for it if they do
yelled - kiabált
music - zene
intrude - behatol
songs - dalok
moment - pillanat
lived - élt
whatever - tök mindegy
memphis - memphis
herself - önmaga
gonna - fog
going - haladó
direction - irány
asking - kérve
excuse - mentség
shoes - cipő
answered - válaszol
could - tudott
ninety - kilencven
serotonin - szerotonin
cheeks - arcon
believed - véljük
anything - bármi
danger - veszély
outside - kívül
longer - hosszabb
would - lenne
nobody - senki
picks - csákány
winds - szelek
predictably - megjósolhatóan
rebel - lázadó
laced - csipkés
others - mások
through - keresztül
saltines - saltines
spent - költött
stare - bámul
elvis - Elvis
thinking - gondolkodás
thoughts - gondolatok
turns - menetek
floor - padló
knows - tudja
walked - sétált
sleeve - ujj
wants - akar
without - nélkül
wonders - csodák
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