Broke into her house, saw her sitting there
Drinking coke and whiskey in her bra and underwear
Saw him in the kitchen, hanging up the phone
I asked him nicely once to pack his things and go
He gave her a reassuring look, said he wouldn't leave
But I asked him one more time, this time pulled out my shiv
Stuck him in the back, and I pulled it out slow
And I watched him fall down, and as the morning sun rose
He looked at me, he said:
"You missed my heart, you missed my heart
You got me good; I knew you would
But you missed my heart, you missed my heart"
Were his last words before he died
Looking out the window, up at the blue sky
Listening to her scream, listening to her cry
A feeling of relief came over my soul
I couldn't take it any longer, and I lost control
I chased her up the stairs and I pinned her to the ground
And underneath her whimpering, I could hear the sirens sound
I rattled off a list of all the things I miss
Like going to the movies with her and the way she kissed me
wrist - csukló
words - szavak
whiskey - whisky
while - míg
where - ahol
wheeling - kerekezés
window - ablak
watching - nézni
longer - hosszabb
listening - kihallgatás
leave - szabadság
chased - üldözte
dream - álom
house - ház
hanging - függő
guard - őr
friends - barátok
looked - nézett
draining - elvezetését
policemen - rendőrök
fields - mezők
laying - lefektetés
going - haladó
failed - nem sikerült
kissed - megcsókolta
clenched - összeszorított
looking - keres
laughing - nevetés
flowing - folyó
lifeblood - éltető
rattled - zörgött
bullheaded - bikafejű
sirens - szirénák
ground - talaj
graveyard - temető
broke - törött
control - ellenőrzés
scene - színhely
fishing - halászat
showing - kiállítás
could - tudott
barbecues - barbecue
million - millió
dollar - dollár
backyard - hátsó udvar
downriver -
started - indult
before - előtt
things - dolgok
pulled - húzta
there - ott
heart - szív
phone - telefon
reunions - összejövetelek
underneath - alul
dragged - húzni
downtown - belváros
kitchen - konyha
everything - minden
gurney - hordágyat
whimpering - nyöszörgés
river - folyó
beams - gerendák
drinking - ivás
asked - kérdezte
driving - vezetés
infirmary - kórház
feeling - érzés
loose - laza
missed - nem fogadott
sitting - ülés
morning - reggel
moundsville - moundsville
scream - sikoly
shins - lábszáron
cracked - repedt
nicely - szépen
racing - verseny
night - éjszaka
skull - koponya
childhood - gyermekkor
something - valami
parking - parkolás
would - lenne
reassuring - Megnyugtató
poetic - költői
watched - figyelte
strapped - pántos
pinned - tűzött
priest - pap
sound - hang
prison - börtön
movies - filmek
quite - egészen
really - igazán
stairs - lépcsők
reeds - nádas
relief - megkönnyebbülés
running - futás
rites - rítusok
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