You used to hold the door for me, now you can't wait to leave
You used to send me flowers if you fucked up in my dreams
I used to make you laugh with all the silly shit I did
But now you roll your eyes and walk away and shake your head
When the spark has gone, and the candles are out
When the song is done and there's no more sound
Whispers turn to yellin and I'm thinkin
How do we get so mean?
How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning when it comes and everything's undone?
Is it cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor like a thousand times before
Knowing that forever won't be
Always sentimental when I think of how it was
When love was sweet and new and we just couldn't get enough
The shower, it reminds me you'd undress me with your eyes
And now you never touch me and you tell me that you're tired
You know, I get so sad when it all goes bad
yellin - quantifica
whispers - suttogja
wanna - akarok
undress - levetkőzik
undone - visszavonható
touch - érintés
together - együtt
tired - fáradt
times - alkalommal
gonna - fog
shake - ráz
thing - dolog
laugh - nevetés
fucked - szar
enough - elég
track - nyomon követni
candles - gyertyák
opened - nyitott
dreams - álmok
floor - padló
eventually - végül is
abuse - visszaélés
morning - reggel
leave - szabadság
shoulda - Lehetne
shower - zuhany
feels - érzi
train - vonat
drank - ivott
still - még mindig
always - mindig
alone - egyedül
think - gondol
sound - hang
about - ról ről
before - előtt
tryna - tryna
reminds - emlékezteti
forever - örökké
strong - erős
thousand - ezer
flowers - virágok
knowing - tudva
cause - ok
breathe - lélegzik
never - soha
normally - normális esetben
scared - megrémült
really - igazán
right - jobb
sentimental - szentimentális
silly - bolondos
wreck - roncs
thinkin - thinkin
comes - jön
spark - szikra
things - dolgok
sweet - édes
while - míg
those - azok
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