I know y'all listen to my music.

But what I'ma do now is I'm tryin' and describe my life to y'all.

Sometimes I fell like I'm loosing it.

My life is upside down.

A gift and a curse that's my life now.

There is no looking or turning back .

I used to watch, watch turn to, turn to.

That's what made me turn to rap.

I feel like Keanu Reeves in the movie 'Devils Advocate.

Confused but blessed with extravagance.

I thank God for all the opportunities.

Given an opportunity, dem boys would put two in me.

We live in the land of the free, hustlers and thieves.

I made money, now I got uncle Sam hustling me.

For a quarter of what I make.

Hand a quarter sentence to a fake and watch them turn state.

Blood is thicker than water, at least they say it is.

Until the Fed's step in that's just the way it is.

Most of these fools are characters.

Men with no character, welcome to America.

Where we fight for freedom.

If it ain't about oil than we don't need them, ain't that the truth?.

Pitbull, I'm just tell y'all the way I fell.

Thank God that God made me to keep it real.

Blood is thicker than water, at least they say it is.

Until the Fed's step in that's just the way it is.

Blood is thicker than water, at least they say it is.

Until the Fed's step in that's just the way it is.

Blood is thicker than water, at least they say it is.

Until the Fed's step in that's just the way it is.

Blood is thicker than water, at least they say it is.

Until the Fed's step in that's just the way it is.

years - évek
would - lenne
winner - győztes
welcome - üdvözöljük
water - víz
voicing - voiceolására
until - amíg
uncle - nagybácsi
truth - igazság
touched - érintett
tighten - húzza
through - keresztül
thing - dolog
thicker - vastagabb
there - ott
turning - fordítás
characters - karakterek
confused - zavaros
witness - tanú
humble - alázatos
blessed - áldott
haiti - Haiti
looking - keres
hustlers - hustlers
listen - hallgat
cases - esetek
given - adott
opportunity - lehetőség
hitman - bérgyilkos
fools - bolondok
little - kicsit
jewelry - ékszerek
pride - büszkeség
freedom - szabadság
least - legkevésbé
extravagance - különcség
escape - menekülni
quarter - negyed
illegal - illegális
indonesia - Indonézia
facing - néző
saying - mondás
shoelaces - cipőfűző
advocate - ügyvéd
lifetime - élettartam
sentence - mondat
feels - érzi
chosen - választott
upside - fejjel
gonna - fog
these - ezek
lines - vonalak
south - déli
stress - feszültség
around - körül
wrongfully - jogtalanul
keanu - keanu
tsunamis - cunamik
dumping - dömping
movie - film
where - ahol
great - nagy
opportunities - lehetőségek
estate - birtok
about - ról ről
struck - ütött
america - Amerika
coming - eljövetel
pitbull - pitbull
blood - vér
after - után
thieves - tolvajok
fight - harc
clears - kitisztul
swimmer - úszó
daughter - lánya
white - fehér
criminal - bűnügyi
money - pénz
convinced - meggyőződéses
curse - átok
busta - بوستا
hustling - hustling
smoke - füst
describe - leírni
nigga - nigger
folks - emberek
buttons - gombok
judged - megítélni
guess - találd ki
knows - tudja
retirement - nyugdíjazás
running - futás
legal - jogi
environment - környezet
loosing - elvesztése
music - zene
pipeline - csővezeték
being - lény
something - valami

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