Are you living your teens in a shed?
Is growing up giving you the bends?
Is my little sunshine getting jealous
Of the moonbeams feeling gloomy
In your bed?
Left your friends
Where the pavement ends
Little broken bones begins
But can you hear me now?
There's glitter falling
And a banner that says
Welcome to Hell
Make yourself at home
Leave behind free will
Can you feel me now?
You know I can't feel this pain in my heart
Because it's honestly been falling apart
Maybe I'm too blind to see
Why trouble finds me
But if it's here I'd rather see where it leads
Call me Mr. Lonely
You can call me anything
Call me if you know me
You can call me King
I don't know if you think below me
You can call me anything
Call me if you know me
You can call me King
While they're hanging out below me
You can call me King
I don't think you wanna know me
Don't call me King
Call me Mr. Lonely
The skies are falling
And I bet they've got some stories to tell
Not that long ago
whisper - suttogás
while - míg
welcome - üdvözöljük
under - alatt
twice - kétszer
tonight - ma este
think - gondol
things - dolgok
there - ott
taking - bevétel
sunshine - napfény
stories - történetek
sleeps - alszik
skies - égbolt
world - világ
sense - érzék
rather - inkább
puked - hánytam
perhaps - talán
promises - ígér
nothing - semmi
naturally - természetesen
light - fény
leave - szabadság
least - legkevésbé
vomiting - vomito
blunt - tompa
pavement - járda
blind - vak
might - esetleg
bends - ívek
begins - elkezdődik
believers - hívők
moonbeams - holdsugár
behind - mögött
wanna - akarok
banner - transzparens
teens - подростки
gloomy - komor
bitter - keserű
bottoms - fenék
glitter - csillám
because - mert
anything - bármi
happiness - boldogság
advice - tanács
finds - leletek
false - hamis
tomorrow - holnap
better - jobb
getting - szerzés
apart - eltekintve
giving - így
hello - helló
maybe - talán
alcohol - alkohol
lonely - magányos
below - lent
around - körül
where - ahol
beautiful - szép
begin - kezdődik
natalie - Natalie
anonymous - névtelen
change - változás
growing - növekvő
living - élő
listen - hallgat
doing - csinál
little - kicsit
bones - csontok
dreams - álmok
heart - szív
falling - eső
right - jobb
feeling - érzés
friends - barátok
guess - találd ki
trouble - baj
hanging - függő
happy - boldog
yourself - saját magad
honestly - őszintén
jealous - irigy
laugh - nevetés
broken - törött
inducted - indukált
leads - vezet
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