
If Eye was the man in your life

Eye'd make U happy

Eye'd treat U right

Eye'd buy U flowers every single day

Eye'd Give U power

Eye'd do whatever U say

Eye heard a rumor that Ur man he said he'd do U wrong

and Ur so vain Ud think that Ur the 1 behind this song

Sure U know he got plenty lyrics, yeah, up his sleeve

and after he got what he want he just go up and leave

whatever - tök mindegy
through - keresztül
think - gondol
sunday - vasárnap
store - bolt
sleeve - ujj
single - egyetlen
purchase - vásárlás
please - kérem
outside - kívül
others - mások
waiting - várakozás
lyrics - dalszöveg
perfume - parfüm
chain - lánc
cheap - olcsó
believe - hinni
lakers - Lakers
bring - hoz
rumor - szóbeszéd
heard - hallott
after - után
deserve - megérdemel
every - minden
spill - bukás
better - jobb
behind - mögött
getting - szerzés
barracuda - barracuda
wrong - rossz
flowers - virágok
chorus - énekkar
plenty - bőven
crackin - crackin
treat - csemege
right - jobb
dying - haldoklik
round - kerek
played - dátum
chocolate - csokoládé
happy - boldog
power - erő
another - egy másik
leave - szabadság
smell - szag
liquor - folyadék

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