She knew which fork 2 use but she couldn't dance

So he hipped her 2 the funk in xchange 4 the finance

Who's pimpin' who if nobody gets a second chance?

This is the story of illusion, coma, pimp & circumstance

She was older but rich beyond compare

She'd drop a thousand dollars at the salon just 2 get her hair did

He was good at compliments, better in the bunk

She laced him with a crib in Paris, he hipped her 2 the funk

Way 2 fine he was 4 her

A dirty dog in expensive fur

As long as she's providing chips and whips

We can do this funky thang

As long as she was playing the host

He figured he would make the most of them hips and lips

He hooked her up, rocked her coast 2 coast


So ugly, the bitch, beyond compare

She's dropped a couple hundred thousand dollars on a silver whip

Just 2 match the color of her hair

She said "Eye got plenty of what U need.

Put the spoon down honey, c'mon, let mama feed U"

She knew which fork 2 use but she couldn't dance

So he hipped her 2 the funk in xchange 4 the finance

Who's pimpin' who if nobody gets a second chance?

white - fehér
wanna - akarok
thousand - ezer
whips - ostorok
thang - thang
story - sztori
spoon - kanál
spoke - beszéltem
situation - helyzet
silver - ezüst
shrugged - vállat vont
shoulders - vállak
where - ahol
salon - szalon
rocked - rázta
providing - gondoskodás
prominent - kiemelkedo
plenty - bőven
right - jobb
disco - disco
bitch - kurva
dirty - piszkos
second - második
better - jobb
dance - tánc
compliments - üdvözlet
dollars - dollár
compare - hasonlítsa össze
night - éjszaka
color - szín
couple - párosít
circumstance - körülmény
about - ról ről
match - mérkőzés
doris - Doris
chance - véletlen
money - pénz
bound - köteles
which - melyik
figured - mintás
funky - beijedt
called - hívott
would - lenne
nobody - senki
because - mert
every - minden
finance - pénzügy
spent - költött
flame - láng
fluorescent - fluoreszkáló
dropped - leesett
gentleman - úriember
paris - párizs
hipped - mániákus
playing - játszik
honey - édesem
chips - játékpénz
hooked - hajlott
might - esetleg
expensive - drága
hundred - száz
illusion - illúzió
caught - elkapott
instead - helyette
beyond - túl
coast - tengerpart
laced - csipkés
never - soha
older - idősebb

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