Had to make do with a worn out rock and roll scene
The old bop is gettin' tired need a rest
Well you know what I mean
Fifty eight that was great
But it's over now and that's all
Somethin' harder's coming up
Gonna really knock a hole in the wall
Gonna hit ya grab you hard
Make you feel ten feet tall
Well I hope that big new baby's gonna come along soon
You don't know it could happen any ol' rainy afternoon
With the temp'rature down
tired - fáradt
times - alkalommal
think - gondol
sucking - szopás
stars - csillagok
single - egyetlen
really - igazán
rainy - esős
piece - darab
eight - nyolc
groovy - groovy
coming - eljövetel
through - keresztül
cruise - hajókázás
clothes - ruhák
happen - történik
chest - mellkas
everybody - mindenki
scene - színhely
musical - zenei
along - mentén
sunday - vasárnap
modern - modern
little - kicsit
could - tudott
about - ról ről
boots - csizma
should - kellene
afternoon - délután
every - minden
great - nagy
fifty - ötven
guitar - gitár
school - iskola
heeled - sarkú
thing - dolog
pants - nadrág
knock - kopogás, ütès
gonna - fog
listen - hallgat
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