Oh, Madonna, Madonna
So after all this time as an artist and would you love lifestyle you are leading?
Do you even know who you really are? Je, very clear perception of who I am. I am quite a few people. Very great bungee guys. Which's your favourite? Which was my favourite? I can't say cause the others would be je, the others would get jelaous. Are the separate your private person from your artist personal? Well, it wasn't easy to start after it because I thought I had saw here live up to the stage personal and not just impossible. You know another stage personal it's like me time's a hundred it's like a supershield. You're superhero anygo up on stage. Men, it try to be as interesting or as exsciting and relief or just never comes uff. So I had to separate this too cause to real me it's very I'm shy, really shy and thebe backword.
I don't miss you
Just who
You used to be
And you don't ring true
So please
Stop calling me
Your I love you's
Are ten a penny
You're dropping clues
Like you've got any
You got to choose
There's been so many ohhhh
I love you baby
But face it she's Madonna
No man on earth
Could say that he don't want her
This look of love
Says I'm leaving
You're frozen now
I've done the freezing
I'm walking out
Madonna's calling me
I don't wanna claim that I'm special but I'm big special. Do you know what I mean?
worlds - világok
words - szavak
where - ahol
williams - williams
these - ezek
superhero - szuperhős
start - rajt
stella - stella
special - különleges
sorry - sajnálom
separate - különálló
robbie - Robbie
right - jobb
points - pont
please - kérem
people - emberek
personalities - személyiség
penny - penny
would - lenne
obscene - obszcén
perception - észlelés
never - soha
wanna - akarok
walking - gyalogló
madonna - Madonna
louder - hangosabb
private - magán
others - mások
little - kicsit
personal - személyes
leaving - kilépő
comes - jön
clues - nyomokat
circumstance - körülmény
collide - összeütközik
bungee - bungee
quite - egészen
person - személy
chance - véletlen
thought - gondolat
brought - hozott
choose - választ
across - át
relief - megkönnyebbülés
ohhhh - ohhhh
frozen - fagyott
which - melyik
claim - követelés
afternoon - délután
other - más
groove - horony
really - igazán
means - eszközök
jelaous - jelaous
advice - tanács
watch - néz
inside - belül
calling - hívás
another - egy másik
myself - magamat
because - mert
believed - véljük
anything - bármi
lifestyle - életmód
clear - egyértelmű
could - tudott
cause - ok
anyway - akárhogyan is
dance - tánc
secret - titok
danced - táncolt
drinks - italok
dropping - csepegés
early - korai
earth - Föld
favourite - kedvenc
routine - rutin
artist - művész
fella - fickó
freezing - fagyasztó
hundred - száz
happen - történik
found - talál
gonna - fog
having - amelynek
after - után
impossible - lehetetlen
great - nagy
interesting - érdekes
younger - fiatalabb
stage - színpad
jumble - zűrzavar
leading - vezető
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