There once was a king of paris

There once was an emperor of brazil

There was maybe a loch ness monster

There once was a buffalo bill

Now you can search the whole wide planet

Scratching in the mud and worms

But an honest politician

Is just a contradiction in terms

And if I had the keys to the kingdom

I'd hand them straight to you

In another time another place

worms - férgek
women - nők
sometimes - néha
small - kicsi
truth - igazság
search - keresés
religion - vallás
contradiction - ellentmondás
thing - dolog
germs - csíra
there - ott
clans - klánok
accepting - elfogadó
maybe - talán
another - egy másik
viruses - vírusok
place - hely
whole - egész
scratching - karcolás
fellow - fickó
priests - papok
emperor - császár
brazil - Brazília
politician - politikus
honest - becsületes
waste - hulladék
wanna - akarok
straight - egyenes
jumbo - óriási
kingdom - királyság
monster - szörnyeteg
bishops - püspökök
planet - bolygó
paris - párizs
mullahs - mullahokat
terms - feltételek
buffalo - bivaly
mumbo - mumbo

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