He was the seventh son of a seventh son,

People claimed that he could cure anyone.

He had the power there is no doubt,

From his healing hands the light shone all about.

No magic potion or mystic words,

His eyes stared at you, no sound was heard.

People came from north and south,

To see this faith healing man, see what he was all about.

Cured the young and cured the old,

Soon the whole nation knew his name.

Seventh son of a seventh son,

Is it to late,

Now that I've come?

Seventh son of a seventh son,

Is it to late?

You know why I've come.

Outside his door where queues ten deep,

Soon this faith healing man could get no sleep.

would - lenne
words - szavak
woman - nő
whole - egész
though - bár
there - ott
still - még mindig
stared - bámult
spend - tölt
speak - beszél
looked - nézett
those - azok
anyone - bárki
anything - bármi
street - utca
happened - történt
lights - lámpák
where - ahol
country - ország
mystic - misztikus
power - erő
seventh - hetedik
could - tudott
payment - fizetés
people - emberek
light - fény
queues - sorok
returned - vissza
heard - hallott
cured - gyógyult
something - valami
inside - belül
potion - főzet
moved - költözött
healing - gyógyulás
magic - varázslat
drove - hajtott, vezetett
child - gyermek
young - fiatal
never - soha
doubt - kétség
silver - ezüst
claimed - azzal
hands - kezek
faith - hit
milled - mart
about - ról ről
sound - hang
blind - vak
asked - kérdezte
cigar - szivar
nation - nemzet
north - északi
movie - film
outside - kívül
powers - hatáskörök
shone - ragyogott
stories - történetek
small - kicsi
sleep - alvás
south - déli

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