Poison to your eyes to reduce brainsize

To discern no black lies they feed up on you

They try to disable your soul of being stable

Like the wolf in the fable to devour your heart


On and on the blakish world to come

Codes and signs until resistance is done


Just keep on fighting while the devious is hiding

Right in the darkness to spy up on you

Awaiting the right time to break of the nightline

Silencing your mind to creep on your soul

"The black shadow"

All getting virtual, new worlders' black fuel

Omnipresent school to form out new man

world - világ
whipped - felvert
until - amíg
signs - jelek
school - iskola
shadow - árnyék
right - jobb
reduce - csökkenteni
resistance - ellenállás
hiding - bujkál
heart - szív
strings - húrok
gigantic - gigantikus
codes - kódok
waste - hulladék
before - előtt
virtual - tényleges
omnipresent - mindenütt jelenvaló
disable - letiltása
poison - méreg
discern - megkülönböztet
chorus - énekkar
chemical - kémiai
taken - tett
cause - ok
break - szünet
awaiting - váró
being - lény
closer - közelebb
black - fekete
stable - stabil
silencing - elhallgattatás
creep - kúszás
darkness - sötétség
devour - felfal
devious - fondorlatos
while - míg
drover - marhakupec
pulling - vontatás
nightline - Nightline
excess - többlet
fighting - harcoló
fable - mese
genetic - genetikai
getting - szerzés

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