When I was a girl, I had a favourite story
Of the meadowlark who lived where the rivers wind
Her voice could match the angels' in its glory,
But she was blind,
The lark was blind.
An old king came and took her to his palace,
Where the walls were burnished bronze and golden braid,
And he fed her fruit and nuts from an ivory chalice and he prayed
"Sing for me, my meadowlark
Sing for me of the silver morning.
Set me free, my meadowlark
And I'll buy you a priceless jewel,
And cloth of brocade and crewel,
And I'll love you for life if you will
Sing for me."
Then one day as the lark sang by the water
The god of the sun heard her in his flight
And her singing moved him so, he came and brought her
The gift of sight,
He gave her sight.
And she opened her eyes to the shimmer and the splendour
Of this beautiful young god, so proud and strong
And he called to the lark in a voice both rough and tender,
"Come along,
young - fiatal
wounds - sebek
water - víz
walls - falak
voice - hang
vision - látomás
wound - seb
tomorrow - holnap
tender - pályázati kiírás
still - még mindig
stephen - istván
story - sztori
starry - csillagos
stand - állvány
strong - erős
sight - látás
shimmer - csillámlik
schwartz - Schwartz
singing - éneklés
rivers - folyók
returns - visszatér
reaches - elér
rough - durva
picked - válogatott
prayed - imádkozott
palace - palota
dance - tánc
morning - reggel
curse - átok
called - hívott
pride - büszkeség
appears - megjelenik
thought - gondolat
splendour - ragyogás
brought - hozott
could - tudott
burnished - barnított
cloth - szövet
chalice - kehely
braid - fonat
lived - élt
plums - szilva
brocade - brokát
along - mentén
again - újra
peaches - őszibarack
favourite - kedvenc
where - ahol
beautiful - szép
goodbye - viszontlátásra
silver - ezüst
behind - mögött
worst - legrosszabb
golden - aranysárga
burning - égő
bronze - bronz
blind - vak
dolphins - delfinek
beaches - strandok
feast - ünnep
fruit - gyümölcs
every - minden
finally - végül
first - első
flight - repülési
stormy - viharos
found - talál
coral - korall
glory - dicsőség
loved - szeretett
ivory - elefántcsont
jewel - ékszer
heard - hallott
opened - nyitott
priceless - megfizethetetlen
leave - szabadság
proud - büszke
heart - szív
match - mérkőzés
cried - kiáltott
before - előtt
meadowlark - Meadowlark
moved - költözött
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