Love and other moments are just chemical reactions in your brain
And feelings of aggressions are the absence of the love drug in
Your veins
Love come quickly
Because I feel my self-esteem is caving in
It's on the brink
Love come quickly
Because I don't think I can keep this monster in
It's in my skin
Love and other socially acceptable emotions are morphine
They're morphine
Cleverly concealing primal urges often felt bur rarely seen
world - világ
wings - szárnyak
brink - küszöbén
because - mert
myself - magamat
other - más
gunning - lövés
hallmark - fémjel
going - haladó
moments - pillanatok
really - igazán
emotions - érzelmek
feelings - érzések
concealing - eltitkolták
point - pont
brain - agy
leave - szabadság
aggressions - agresszió
absence - távollét
acceptable - elfogadható
console - konzol
learn - tanul
cards - kártyák
cleverly - okosan
romance - románc
misery - szenvedés
morphine - morfin
monster - szörnyeteg
rarely - ritkán
primal - eredeti
these - ezek
broken - törött
never - soha
often - gyakran
caving - omladék
privileged - kiváltságos
quickly - gyorsan
esteem - becsülés
reactions - reakciók
urges - sürgeti
socially - társadalmilag
nothing - semmi
thing - dolog
think - gondol
chemical - kémiai
tragedy - tragédia
heartache - szívpanaszok
veins - erek
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