I'm a groovy type nigga, rather two-step with you
Pants sagging, rag dragging, rather gangbang with you
Triggers squeeze, throw a palette, throw them thing-things with you
Hot degrees, anti-freeze, chilling cool-cool with you
Chilling cool-cool with you
Hot degrees, anti-freeze, chilling cool-cool with you
Chilling cool-cool with you
Pants sagging, rag dragging, do my gangbang with you
[Verse 1]
Groovy nigga, jumped off of the peg
Forced by my third leg
Plead the fifth, no L's, no whips, backyard full of Crips
Barbecues and county blues, this Hoover gangster be the shit
It ain't much up on our list, shoot the killer and hit the licks
Get NUT up out the bitch, gangbanging, fuck a clique
Yup, I'm looking for a scrap
See, my cripping done spread around the world
Well, his top be low, his bottom is the reefer
Looking like the reaper in your driveway
Strays through your living room
Liable to drive-by on a summer day
July 4th will be in June
Block ten block ten block ten bla ba bum
The sound of the drum, the sound that crips and bloods know
world - világ
woods - fák
winds - szelek
whips - ostorok
where - ahol
walking - gyalogló
verse - vers
tiger - tigris
heard - hallott
happened - történt
street - utca
gutter - esővízcsatorna
living - élő
friend - barát
licks - nyalogatja
fridge - hűtő
freeze - fagy
fifth - ötödik
plead - hivatkozhat
driveway - műút
forced - kényszerű
flagging - csüngő
hammer - kalapács
drums - dobok
groovy - groovy
dream - álom
problem - probléma
county - megye
spend - tölt
dragging - húzás
degrees - fok
follow - kövesse
handle - fogantyú
bottom - alsó
spread - terjedését
bitch - kurva
started - indult
about - ról ről
sound - hang
gangbang - párok
drive - hajtás
murderers - gyilkosok
bloods - bloods
burglar - betörő
backyard - hátsó udvar
liable - felelős
murder - gyilkosság
barbecues - barbecue
defendant - alperes
campus - egyetem
teach - tanít
triggers - kiváltó
tracks - pályák
blues - blues
around - körül
before - előtt
things - dolgok
clique - klikk
dusty - poros
booty - zsákmány
winning - nyerő
bridge - híd
chilling - hűtés
souls - lelkek
could - tudott
jumped - ugrott
squeeze - présel
swing - hinta
gangster - gengszter
nigga - nigger
false - hamis
crips - Crips
midget - törpe
light - fény
reaper - arató
interlude - közjáték
minute - perc
little - kicsit
revolver - revolver
through - keresztül
killer - gyilkos
looking - keres
strays - strays
rather - inkább
never - soha
pants - nadrág
sagging - megereszkedett
niggas - niggerek
shells - kagyló
diamond - gyémánt
palette - paletta
shoot - lő
onion - hagyma
pocket - zseb-
reefer - hűtő
third - harmadik
rocky - sziklás
scrap - darabka
spins - pörgetés
steal - lop
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