Miss mysterious, who are you?

Who's the girl behind those eyes?

Just a stranger in disguise

Miss mysterious, who could you be?

Was the ghost of what we had?

Did you erase it from your past?

So I pointed in every direction, oh, well,

Looking for answers I'll never know.

I said, "Go, run for your life

And tell me I'm right,

Or let me know when your heart went numb."

I said, "Go, run for your life

And tell me I'm right."

The saying goes, "If you love someone, let them go."

Miss mysterious, may I ask?

Is your sunshine like my rain?

Is your pleasure like my pain?

So delirious, casting your stones

With a blindfold to my face,

Hoping that you'll lose your aim

Well, it looked so bright with the lights out, oh, well,

I guess our stars forgot how to glow.

worry - aggodalom
turned - fordult
trying - megpróbálja
tried - megpróbálta
touch - érintés
those - azok
train - vonat
these - ezek
sunshine - napfény
stranger - idegen
stones - kövek
stole - stóla
tracks - pályák
duality - kettősség
dream - álom
disguise - elrejt
derailed - kisiklott
every - minden
through - keresztül
nights - éjszaka
should - kellene
connect - kapcsolódni
thing - dolog
reach - elér
could - tudott
bleak - sivár
delirious - eszelős
behind - mögött
blindfold - vakon
drove - hajtott, vezetett
erase - törli
around - körül
broke - törött
instead - helyette
answers - válaszokat
bright - fényes
looking - keres
saying - mondás
closure - bezárás
guess - találd ki
someone - valaki
casting - öntvény
forgot - elfelejtettem
ghost - szellem
haunt - tanya
heart - szív
waste - hulladék
hoping - remélve
december - december
inside - belül
right - jobb
lights - lámpák
living - élő
looked - nézett
pointed - hegyes
memories - memóriák
mysterious - rejtélyes
stars - csillagok
direction - irány
never - soha
place - hely
telling - sokatmondó
pleasure - öröm
closed - zárva
relax - kipiheni magát

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